Charisma, Vision, Mision
Unconditional love from Jesus Christ on the cross.
The poor, the left-outs and the afflicted are saved and set free in the kingdom of God.
Aware of our life offerings to God through living in vows according to our Constitution, inspired by the Holy Spirit and imbued with the charism of Mother Elisabeth, and in loyalty to the Universal Church, our Sisters of Charity Saint Carolus Borromeus surrender to:
develop a deep relationship with Christ in a contemplative life attitude and continual discretion.
bear witness of life as "the Servant of Yahweh"
realizing services for the wholeness of mankind to be more in line with the image of God as a sign of the presence of His Kingdom and responding to the challenges of the times in joy and simplicity, with partiality for those who suffer from injustice. Our identity as Sister CB is based on the personality of Jesus Christ.